import re
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from .pbc import pbc_diff
from .checksum import checksum
import numpy as np
import scipy
if scipy.version.version >= '0.17.0':
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from pygmx import TPXReader
from pygmx.gromacs import _atoms_from_grofile, load_indices
[docs]def compare_regex(list, exp):
Compare a list of strings with a regular expression.
if not exp.endswith('$'):
exp += '$'
regex = re.compile(exp)
return np.array([regex.match(s) is not None for s in list])
[docs]def from_grofile(grofile, index_file=None):
Load atoms from a GROMACS coordinate file.
grofile (str): Filename of the grofile
index_file (str, optional): Filename of the gromacs indexfile
AtomSubset: All atoms in grofile
indices = None
if index_file is not None:
indices = load_indices(index_file)
t = np.genfromtxt(grofile, skip_header=2, delimiter=(5, 5, 5), dtype='U8', autostrip=True, skip_footer=1)
return Atoms(t, indices).subset()
[docs]def from_tprfile(tprfile, index_file=None):
Load atoms from a compiled tpr file.
tprile (str): Filename of the tpr file
index_file (opt.): Index file that should be loaded alongside.
AtomSubset: All atoms in tprfile
tpr = TPXReader(tprfile)
if index_file is not None:
indices = load_indices(index_file)
indices = None
return Atoms(tpr.atoms, indices=indices, charges=tpr.charge, masses=tpr.mass).subset()
[docs]class Atoms:
Basic container class for atom information.
atoms: N tuples of residue id, residue name and atom name.
indices (optional): Dictionary of named atom index groups.
residue_ids: Indices of the atoms residues
residue_names: Names of the atoms residues
atom_names: Names of the atoms
indices: Dictionary of named atom index groups, if specified
def __init__(self, atoms, indices=None, masses=None, charges=None):
self.residue_ids, self.residue_names, self.atom_names = atoms.T
self.residue_ids = np.array([int(m) for m in self.residue_ids])
self.indices = indices
self.masses = masses
self.charges = charges
[docs] def subset(self, *args, **kwargs):
Return a subset of these atoms with all atoms selected.
All arguments are passed to the :meth:`AtomSubset.subset` method directly.
return AtomSubset(self).subset(*args, **kwargs)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.atom_names)
[docs]class AtomMismatch(Exception):
[docs]class AtomSubset:
def __init__(self, atoms, selection=None, description=''):
atoms: Base atom object
selection (opt.): Selected atoms
description (opt.): Descriptive string of the subset.
if selection is None:
selection = np.ones(len(atoms), dtype='bool')
self.selection = selection
self.atoms = atoms
self.description = description
[docs] def subset(self, atom_name=None, residue_name=None, residue_id=None, indices=None):
Return a subset of the system. The selection is specified by one or more of
the keyworss below. Names are matched as a regular expression with `re.match`.
atom_name: Specification of the atom name
residue_name: Specification of the resiude name
residue_id: Residue ID or list of IDs
indices: List of atom indices
new_subset = self
if atom_name is not None:
new_subset &= AtomSubset(
selection=compare_regex(self.atoms.atom_names, atom_name),
if residue_name is not None:
new_subset &= AtomSubset(
selection=compare_regex(self.atoms.residue_names, residue_name),
if residue_id is not None:
if np.iterable(residue_id):
selection = np.zeros(len(self.selection), dtype='bool')
selection[np.in1d(self.atoms.residue_ids, residue_id)] = True
new_subset &= AtomSubset(self.atoms, selection)
new_subset &= AtomSubset(self.atoms, self.atoms.residue_ids == residue_id)
if indices is not None:
selection = np.zeros(len(self.selection), dtype='bool')
selection[indices] = True
new_subset &= AtomSubset(self.atoms, selection)
return new_subset
def atom_names(self):
return self.atoms.atom_names[self.selection]
def residue_names(self):
return self.atoms.residue_names[self.selection]
def residue_ids(self):
return self.atoms.residue_ids[self.selection]
def indices(self):
return np.where(self.selection)
def __getitem__(self, slice):
if isinstance(slice, str):
indices = self.atoms.indices[slice]
return self.atoms.subset()[indices] & self
return self.subset(indices=self.indices[0].__getitem__(slice))
def __and__(self, other):
if self.atoms != other.atoms:
raise AtomMismatch
selection = (self.selection & other.selection)
description = '{}_{}'.format(self.description, other.description).strip('_')
return AtomSubset(self.atoms, selection, description)
def __or__(self, other):
if self.atoms != other.atoms:
raise AtomMismatch
selection = (self.selection | other.selection)
description = '{}_{}'.format(self.description, other.description).strip('_')
return AtomSubset(self.atoms, selection, description)
def __invert__(self):
selection = ~self.selection
return AtomSubset(self.atoms, selection, self.description)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Subset of Atoms ({} of {})'.format(len(self.atoms.residue_names[self.selection]),
def summary(self):
return "\n".join(["{}{} {}".format(resid, resname, atom_names)
for resid, resname, atom_names in zip(self.residue_ids, self.residue_names, self.atom_names)
def __checksum__(self):
return checksum(self.description)
[docs]def center_of_mass(position, mass=None):
if mass is not None:
return 1 / mass.sum() * (mass * position).sum(axis=0)
return 1 / len(position) * position.sum(axis=0)
[docs]def gyration_radius(position):
Calculates a list of all radii of gyration of all molecules given in the coordinate frame,
weighted with the masses of the individual atoms.
position: Coordinate frame object
R_G = \left(\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} m_i |\vec{r_i} - \vec{r_{COM}}|^2 }{\sum_{i=1}^{n} m_i }
gyration_radii = np.array([])
for resid in np.unique(position.residue_ids):
pos = position.whole[position.residue_ids==resid]
mass = position.masses[position.residue_ids==resid][:,np.newaxis]
COM = center_of_mass(pos,mass)
r_sq = ((pbc_diff(pos,COM,**2).sum(1)[:,np.newaxis]
g_radius = ((r_sq*mass).sum()/mass.sum())**(0.5)
gyration_radii = np.append(gyration_radii,g_radius)
return gyration_radii
[docs]def layer_of_atoms(atoms,
plane_offset=np.array([0, 0, 0]),
plane_normal=np.array([1, 0, 0])):
p_ = atoms - plane_offset
distance =, plane_normal)
return abs(distance) <= thickness
[docs]def distance_to_atoms(ref, atoms, box=None):
"""Get the minimal distance from atoms to ref.
The result is an array of with length == len(atoms)
out = np.empty(atoms.shape[0])
for i, atom in enumerate(atoms):
diff = (pbc_diff(atom, ref, box) ** 2).sum(axis=1).min()
out[i] = np.sqrt(diff)
return out
[docs]def distance_to_atoms_cKDtree(ref, atoms, box=None, thickness=None):
Get the minimal distance from atoms to ref.
The result is an array of with length == len(atoms)
Can be faster than distance_to_atoms.
Thickness defaults to box/5. If this is too small results may be wrong.
If box is not given then periodic boundary conditions are not applied!
if thickness == None:
thickness = box/5
if box is not None:
start_coords = np.copy(atoms)%box
all_frame_coords = pbc_points(ref, box, thickness = thickness)
start_coords = atoms
all_frame_coords = ref
tree = spatial.cKDTree(all_frame_coords)
return tree.query(start_coords)[0]
[docs]def next_neighbors(atoms, query_atoms=None, number_of_neighbors=1, distance_upper_bound=np.inf, distinct=False):
Find the N next neighbors of a set of atoms.
atoms: The reference atoms and also the atoms which are queried if `query_atoms` is net provided
query_atoms (opt.): If this is not None, these atoms will be queried
number_of_neighbors (int, opt.): Number of neighboring atoms to find
distance_upper_bound (float, opt.): Upper bound of the distance between neighbors
distinct (bool, opt.): If this is true, the atoms and query atoms are taken as distinct sets of atoms
tree = KDTree(atoms)
dnn = 0
if query_atoms is None:
query_atoms = atoms
elif not distinct:
dnn = 1
dist, indices = tree.query(query_atoms, number_of_neighbors + dnn,
return indices[:, dnn:]