from functools import partial, lru_cache, wraps
from copy import copy
from .logging import logger
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, KDTree
from .atoms import AtomSubset
from .pbc import whole, nojump, pbc_diff
from .utils import mask2indices, singledispatchmethod
from .checksum import checksum
[docs]class UnknownCoordinatesMode(Exception):
[docs]def rotate_axis(coords, axis):
Rotate a set of coordinates to a given axis.
axis = np.array(axis) / np.linalg.norm(axis)
zaxis = np.array([0, 0, 1])
if (axis == zaxis).sum() == 3:
return coords
rotation_axis = np.cross(axis, zaxis)
rotation_axis = rotation_axis / np.linalg.norm(rotation_axis)
theta = np.arccos(axis @ zaxis / np.linalg.norm(axis))
# return theta/pi, rotation_axis
ux, uy, uz = rotation_axis
cross_matrix = np.array([
[0, -uz, uy],
[uz, 0, -ux],
[-uy, ux, 0]
rotation_matrix = np.cos(theta) * np.identity(len(axis)) \
+ (1 - np.cos(theta)) * rotation_axis.reshape(-1, 1) @ rotation_axis.reshape(1, -1) \
+ np.sin(theta) * cross_matrix
if len(coords.shape) == 2:
rotated = np.array([rotation_matrix @ xyz for xyz in coords])
rotated = rotation_matrix @ coords
return rotated
[docs]def spherical_radius(frame, origin=None):
Transform a frame of cartesian coordinates into the sperical radius.
If origin=None the center of the box is taken as the coordinates origin.
if origin is None:
origin = / 2
return ((frame - origin)**2).sum(axis=-1)**0.5
[docs]def polar_coordinates(x, y):
"""Convert cartesian to polar coordinates."""
radius = (x**2 + y**2)**0.5
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
return radius, phi
[docs]def spherical_coordinates(x, y, z):
"""Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates."""
xy, phi = polar_coordinates(x, y)
radius = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**0.5
theta = np.arccos(z / radius)
return radius, phi, theta
[docs]def radial_selector(frame, coordinates, rmin, rmax):
Return a selection of all atoms with radius in the interval [rmin, rmax].
crd = coordinates[frame.step]
rad, _ = polar_coordinates(crd[:, 0], crd[:, 1])
selector = (rad >= rmin) & (rad <= rmax)
return mask2indices(selector)
[docs]def spatial_selector(frame, transform, rmin, rmax):
Select a subset of atoms which have a radius between rmin and rmax.
Coordinates are filtered by the condition::
rmin <= transform(frame) <= rmax
frame: The coordinates of the actual trajectory
A function that transforms the coordinates of the frames into
the one-dimensional spatial coordinate (e.g. radius).
rmin: Minimum value of the radius
rmax: Maximum value of the radius
r = transform(frame)
selector = (rmin <= r) & (rmax >= r)
return mask2indices(selector)
[docs]class CoordinateFrame(np.ndarray):
_known_modes = ('pbc', 'whole', 'nojump')
def box(self):
return np.array(self.coordinates.frames[self.step].box)
def volume(self):
def time(self):
return self.coordinates.frames[self.step].time
def masses(self):
return self.coordinates.atoms.masses[self.coordinates.atom_subset.selection]
def charges(self):
return self.coordinates.atoms.charges[self.coordinates.atom_subset.selection]
def residue_ids(self):
return self.coordinates.atom_subset.residue_ids
def residue_names(self):
return self.coordinates.atom_subset.residue_names
def atom_names(self):
return self.coordinates.atom_subset.atom_names
def indices(self):
return self.coordinates.atom_subset.indices
def selection(self):
return self.coordinates.atom_subset.selection
def whole(self):
frame = whole(self)
frame.mode = 'whole'
return frame
def pbc(self):
frame = self %
frame.mode = 'pbc'
return frame
def nojump(self):
if self.mode != 'nojump':
frame = nojump(self)
frame.mode = 'nojump'
return frame
return self
def __new__(subtype, shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, strides=None, order=None,
coordinates=None, step=None, box=None, mode=None):
obj = np.ndarray.__new__(subtype, shape, dtype, buffer, offset, strides)
obj.coordinates = coordinates
obj.step = step
obj.mode = mode
return obj
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
if obj is None:
self.coordinates = getattr(obj, 'coordinates', None)
self.step = getattr(obj, 'step', None)
self.mode = getattr(obj, 'mode', None)
if hasattr(obj, 'reference'):
self.reference = getattr(obj, 'reference')
[docs]class Coordinates:
Coordinates represent trajectory data, which is used for evaluation functions.
Atoms may be selected by specifing a atom_subset or a atom_filter.
[docs] def get_mode(self, mode):
if self.atom_subset is not None:
return Coordinates(frames=self.frames, atom_subset=self.atom_subset, mode=mode)[self._slice]
return Coordinates(frames=self.frames, atom_filter=self.atom_filter, mode=mode)[self._slice]
def pbc(self):
return self.get_mode('pbc')
def whole(self):
return self.get_mode('whole')
def nojump(self):
return self.get_mode('nojump')
def mode(self):
return self._mode
def mode(self, val):
if val in CoordinateFrame._known_modes:
logger.warn('Changing the Coordinates mode directly is deprecated. Use Coordinates.%s instead, which returns a copy.', val)
self._mode = val
raise UnknownCoordinatesMode('No such mode: {}'.format(val))
def __init__(self, frames, atom_filter=None, atom_subset: AtomSubset=None, mode=None):
frames: The trajectory reader
atom_filter (opt.): A mask which selects a subset of the system
atom_subset (opt.): A AtomSubset that selects a subset of the system
mode (opt.): PBC mode of the Coordinates, can be pbc, whole or nojump.
The caching in Coordinates is deprecated, use the CachedReader or the function open
from the reader module instead.
self._mode = mode
self.frames = frames
self._slice = slice(None)
assert atom_filter is None or atom_subset is None, "Cannot use both: subset and filter"
if atom_filter is not None:
self.atom_filter = atom_filter
self.atom_subset = None
elif atom_subset is not None:
self.atom_filter = atom_subset.selection
self.atom_subset = atom_subset
self.atoms = atom_subset.atoms
self.atom_filter = np.ones(shape=(len(frames[0].coordinates),), dtype=bool)
self.atom_subset = None
[docs] def get_frame(self, fnr):
"""Returns the fnr-th frame."""
if self.atom_filter is not None:
frame = self.frames[fnr].positions[self.atom_filter].view(CoordinateFrame)
frame = self.frames.__getitem__(fnr).positions.view(CoordinateFrame)
frame.coordinates = self
frame.step = fnr
if self.mode is not None:
frame = getattr(frame, self.mode)
except EOFError:
raise IndexError
return frame
[docs] def clear_cache(self):
"""Clears the frame cache, if it is enabled."""
if hasattr(self.get_frame, 'clear_cache'):
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self))[self._slice]:
yield self[i]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.get_frame(item)
def _(self, item):
sliced = copy(self)
sliced._slice = item
return sliced
def __len__(self):
return len(self.frames)
def __checksum__(self):
return checksum(self.frames, self.atom_filter, self._slice, self.mode)
def __repr__(self):
return "Coordinates <{}>: {}".format(self.frames.filename, self.atom_subset)
def subset(self, **kwargs):
return Coordinates(self.frames, atom_subset=self.atom_subset.subset(**kwargs), mode=self._mode)
def description(self):
return self.atom_subset.description
def description(self, desc):
self.atom_subset.description = desc
[docs]class MeanCoordinates(Coordinates):
def __init__(self, frames, atom_filter=None, mean=1):
super().__init__(frames, atom_filter)
self.mean = mean
assert mean >= 1, "Mean must be positive"
def __getitem__(self, item):
frame = super().__getitem__(item)
for i in range(item + 1, item + self.mean):
frame += super().__getitem__(i)
return frame / self.mean
[docs] def len(self):
return len(super() - self.mean + 1)
[docs]class CoordinatesMap:
def __init__(self, coordinates, function):
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.frames = self.coordinates.frames
self.atom_subset = self.coordinates.atom_subset
self.function = function
if isinstance(function, partial):
self._description = self.function.func.__name__
self._description = self.function.__name__
def __iter__(self):
for frame in self.coordinates:
step = frame.step
frame = self.function(frame)
if not isinstance(frame, CoordinateFrame):
frame = frame.view(CoordinateFrame)
frame.coordinates = self
frame.step = step
yield frame
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
return self.__class__(self.coordinates[item], self.function)
frame = self.function(self.coordinates.__getitem__(item))
if not isinstance(frame, CoordinateFrame):
frame = frame.view(CoordinateFrame)
frame.coordinates = self
frame.step = item
return frame
def __len__(self):
return len(self.coordinates.frames)
def __checksum__(self):
return checksum(self.coordinates, self.function)
def subset(self, **kwargs):
return CoordinatesMap(self.coordinates.subset(**kwargs), self.function)
def description(self):
return '{}_{}'.format(self._description, self.coordinates.description)
def description(self, desc):
self._description = desc
def nojump(self):
return CoordinatesMap(self.coordinates.nojump, self.function)
def whole(self):
return CoordinatesMap(self.coordinates.whole, self.function)
def pbc(self):
return CoordinatesMap(self.coordinates.pbc, self.function)
[docs]class CoordinatesFilter:
def atom_subset(self):
def __init__(self, coordinates, atom_filter):
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.atom_filter = atom_filter
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
sliced = copy(self)
sliced.coordinates = self.coordinates[item]
return sliced
frame = self.coordinates[item]
return frame[self.atom_filter]
[docs]class CoordinatesKDTree:
A KDTree of coordinates frames. The KDtrees are cached by a :func:`functools.lru_cache`.
Uses :class:`scipy.spatial.cKDTree` by default, since it's significantly faster.
Make sure to use scipy 0.17 or later or switch to the normal KDTree, since cKDTree has
a memory leak in earlier versions.
[docs] def clear_cache(self):
"""Clear the LRU cache."""
def cache_info(self):
"""Return info about the state of the cache."""
return self._get_tree_at_index.cache_info()
def _get_tree_at_index(self, index):
frame = self.frames[index]
return self.kdtree(frame[self.selector(frame)])
def __init__(self, frames, selector=None, boxsize=None, maxcache=128, ckdtree=True):
frames: Trajectory of the simulation, can be Coordinates object or reader
selector: Selector function that selects a subset of each frame
maxcache: Maxsize of the :func:`~functools.lru_cache`
ckdtree: Use :class:`~scipy.spatial.cKDTree` or :class:`~scipy.spatial.KDTree` if False
if selector is not None:
self.selector = selector
self.selector = lambda x: slice(None)
self.frames = frames
self.kdtree = cKDTree if ckdtree else KDTree
if boxsize is not None:
self.kdtree = partial(self.kdtree, boxsize=boxsize)
self._get_tree_at_index = lru_cache(maxsize=maxcache)(self._get_tree_at_index)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self._get_tree_at_index(index)
def __checksum__(self):
return checksum(self.selector, self.frames)
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other)
[docs]def map_coordinates(func):
def wrapped(coordinates, **kwargs):
return CoordinatesMap(coordinates, partial(func, **kwargs))
return wrapped
def centers_of_mass(c, *, masses=None):
A- 1
B- 2
A- 1
C 3
rd = XTCReader('t.xtc')
coordinates = Coordinates(rd)
com = centers_of_mass(coordinates, (1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0))
# At first, regroup our array
number_of_masses = len(masses)
number_of_coordinates, number_of_dimensions = c.shape
number_of_new_coordinates = number_of_coordinates // number_of_masses
grouped_masses = c.reshape(number_of_new_coordinates, number_of_masses, number_of_dimensions)
return np.average(grouped_masses, axis=1, weights=masses)
def pore_coordinates(coordinates, origin, sym_axis='z'):
Map coordinates of a pore simulation so the pore has cylindrical symmetry.
coordinates: Coordinates of the simulation
origin: Origin of the pore which will be the coordinates origin after mapping
sym_axis (opt.): Symmtery axis of the pore, may be a literal direction
'x', 'y' or 'z' or an array of shape (3,)
if sym_axis in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
rot_axis = np.zeros(shape=(3,))
rot_axis[['x', 'y', 'z'].index(sym_axis)] = 1
rot_axis = sym_axis
return rotate_axis(coordinates - origin, rot_axis)
def vectors(coordinates, atoms_a, atoms_b, normed=False, box=None):
Compute the vectors between the atoms of two subsets.
coordinates: The Coordinates object the atoms will be taken from
atoms_a: Mask or indices of the first atom subset
atoms_b: Mask or indices of the second atom subset
normed (opt.): If the vectors should be normed
box (opt.): If not None, the vectors are calcualte with PBC
The defintion of atoms_a/b can be any possible subript of a numpy array.
They can, for example, be given as a masking array of bool values with the
same length as the frames of the coordinates. Or they can be a list of
indices selecting the atoms of these indices from each frame.
It is possible to compute the mean of several atoms before calculating the vectors,
by using a two-dimensional list of indices. The following code computes the vectors
between atoms 0, 3, 6 and the mean coordinate of atoms 1, 4, 7 and 2, 5, 8::
>>> inds_a = [0, 3, 6]
>>> inds_b = [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8]]
>>> vectors(coords, inds_a, inds_b)
coords[0] - (coords[1] + coords[2])/2,
coords[3] - (coords[4] + coords[5])/2,
coords[6] - (coords[7] + coords[8])/2,
coords_a = coordinates[atoms_a]
if len(coords_a.shape) > 2:
coords_a = coords_a.mean(axis=0)
coords_b = coordinates[atoms_b]
if len(coords_b.shape) > 2:
coords_b = coords_b.mean(axis=0)
vectors = pbc_diff(coords_a, coords_b, box=box)
norm = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=-1).reshape(-1, 1) if normed else 1
vectors.reference = coords_a
return vectors / norm