Source code for mdevaluate.functions

import numpy as np

[docs]def kww(t, A, τ, β): return A * np.exp(-(t / τ)**β)
[docs]def kww_1e(A, τ, β): return τ * (-np.log(1 / (np.e * A)))**(1 / β)
[docs]def cole_davidson(w, A, b, t0): P = np.arctan(w * t0) return A * np.cos(P)**b * np.sin(b * P)
[docs]def cole_cole(w, A, b, t0): return A * (w * t0)**b * np.sin(np.pi * b / 2) / (1 + 2 * (w * t0)**b * np.cos(np.pi * b / 2) + (w * t0)**(2 * b))
[docs]def havriliak_negami(ω, A, β, α, τ): r""" Imaginary part of the Havriliak-Negami function. .. math:: \chi_{HN}(\omega) = \Im\left(\frac{A}{(1 + (i\omega\tau)^\alpha)^\beta}\right) """ return -(A / (1 + (1j * ω * τ)**α)**β).imag
# fits decay of correlation times, e.g. with distance to pore walls
[docs]def colen(d, X, t8, A): return t8 * np.exp(A*np.exp(-d/X))
# fits decay of the plateau height of the overlap function, e.g. with distance to pore walls
[docs]def colenQ(d, X, Qb, g): return (1-Qb)*np.exp(-(d/X)**g)+Qb