Spatially resolved analysis in a cylindrical pore

Calculate the spatially resolved ISF inside a cylindrical neutral water pore In this case the bins describe the shortest distance of an oxygen atom to any wall atom

  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_spatialisf_001.png
  • ../_images/sphx_glr_plot_spatialisf_002.png
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mdevaluate as md
import tudplot
from scipy import spatial
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

#trajectory with index file
#TODO eine allgemeinere stelle?
traj ='/data/robin/sim/nvt/12kwater/240_r25_0_NVT',
    trajectory='nojump.xtc', index_file='indexSL.ndx',topology='*.gro')
#Liquid oxygens
LO = traj.subset(indices= traj.atoms.indices['LH2O'])
#Solid oxygens
SO = traj.subset(indices= traj.atoms.indices['SH2O'])
#Solid oxygens and bonded hydrogens
SW = traj.subset(residue_id = SO.atom_subset.residue_ids)

#TODO die folgenden beiden zusammen sind nochmal deutlich schneller als
#md.atom.distance_to_atoms, kannst du entweder in irgendeiner weise einbauen
#oder hier lassen, man muss aber auf thickness achten, dass das sinn macht
#adds periodic layers of the atoms
def pbc_points(points, box_vector, thickness=0, index=False, inclusive=True):
    coordinates = np.copy(points)%box_vector
    allcoordinates = np.copy(coordinates)
    indices = np.tile(np.arange(len(points)),(27))
    for x in range(-1, 2, 1):
            for y in range(-1, 2, 1):
                for z in range(-1, 2, 1):
                    vv = np.array([x, y, z], dtype=float)
                    if not (vv == 0).all() :
                        allcoordinates = np.concatenate((allcoordinates, coordinates + vv*box_vector), axis=0)

    if thickness != 0:
        mask = np.all(allcoordinates < box_vector+thickness, axis=1)
        allcoordinates = allcoordinates[mask]
        indices = indices[mask]
        mask = np.all(allcoordinates > -thickness, axis=1)
        allcoordinates = allcoordinates[mask]
        indices = indices[mask]
    if not inclusive:
        allcoordinates = allcoordinates[len(points):]
        indices = indices[len(points):]
    if index:
        return (allcoordinates, indices)
    return allcoordinates

#fast calculation of shortest distance from one subset to another, uses pbc_points
def distance_to_atoms(ref, observed_atoms, box=None, thickness=0.5):
    if box is not None:
        start_coords = np.copy(observed_atoms)%box
        all_frame_coords = pbc_points(ref, box, thickness = thickness)
        start_coords = np.copy(observed_atoms)
        all_frame_coords = np.copy(ref)

    tree = spatial.cKDTree(all_frame_coords)
    first_neighbors = tree.query(start_coords)[0]
    return first_neighbors

#this is used to reduce the number of wall atoms to those relevant, speeds up the rest
dist = distance_to_atoms(LO[0], SW[0], np.diag(LO[0].box))
wall_atoms = SW.atom_subset.indices[0]
wall_atoms = wall_atoms[dist < 0.35]
SW = traj.subset(indices = wall_atoms)

from functools import partial
func = partial(md.correlation.isf, q=22.7)

#selector function to choose liquid oxygens with a certain distance to wall atoms
def selector_func(coords, lindices, windices, dmin, dmax):
    lcoords = coords[lindices]
    wcoords = coords[windices]
    dist = distance_to_atoms(wcoords, lcoords,box=np.diag(
    #radial distance to pore center to ignore molecules that entered the wall
    rad = np.sum((lcoords[:,:2]-np.diag([:2]/2)**2,axis=1)**.5
    return lindices[(dist >= dmin) & (dist < dmax) & (rad < 2.7)]

#calculate the shifted correlation for several bins
#bin positions are roughly the average of the limits
bins = np.array([0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.8,1.0,1.4,1.8,2.3])
binpos = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2
S = np.empty(len(bins)-1, dtype='object')
for i in range(len(bins)-1):
    selector = partial(selector_func,lindices=LO.atom_subset.indices[0],
                      dmax = bins[i+1])
    t, S[i] = md.correlation.shifted_correlation(
            func, traj,segments=50, skip=0.1,average=True,

taus = np.zeros(len(S))
for i,s in enumerate(S):
    pl = plt.plot(t, s, '.', label='d = ' + str(binpos[i]) + ' nm')
    #only includes the relevant data for 1/e fitting
    mask = s < 0.6
    fit, cov = curve_fit(md.functions.kww, t[mask], s[mask],
    taus[i] = md.functions.kww_1e(*fit)
    plt.plot(t, md.functions.kww(t, *fit), c=pl[0].get_color())

plt.plot(binpos, taus,'.',label=r'$\tau$(d)')

Total running time of the script: ( 3 minutes 37.584 seconds)

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